Sunday, June 5, 2016

John (Jan) Hurbanek - - - great grandfather who came to the U.S. on 5/26/1901

On prior page is John's naturalization papers where he became a U.S. citizen on 11/7/1917.  Wish I had a picture him. 

John was born as Joannes Hurbanek on 5/14/1875

From Egbell:

Still looking for his boat record where he arrived in the U.S. on 5/26/1901 at the age of 26. 

The 1910 census shows John working in the coke ovens.  These records really messed up the Hurbanek name as Huerbingk.  Louis was 10 years old.

John's WWI draft record of 9/12/1918 states that he worked at Jones &Laughlin Steel on 2nd Avenue  in the coke drawer.  At that time he lived on 96 Irvine Avenue.  He had brown eyes, brown hair and was tall and slender.

 The 1920 census has Louis already out of the house.  I believe he was in the army then.

Sadly, John died on 4/10/1953 of a coronary occlusion (unfortunately, he saw his son Louis die the year before).

It states on here that John's father's name was John Hurbanek, but we know from Egbell birth records that it was Vincent.  I am finding that birth/death certificates and census records are not always accurate.  I think we should go by the Egbell birth record of Vincent as his father's name. 

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