Sunday, May 1, 2016

Musings on G-G-Grandmother Terezia Dojcsán 1837-1902

Here is what I have of the skeletal Hurbanek family tree so far (click to enlarge):

There was a Terezia Dojscan in the correct age bracket who is from a small town called Hurbanovo in Slovakia.  The town is named after Jozef Miloslav Hurban. 

An ASTEROID named after him!!!!  Wow!

Joef Miloslav Hurban was a leader in the Slovak uprising of 1848/49 - how did that impact Terezia?  If this is her, she was born during the end of this.

Wikipedia link:

This uprising, among other things, called for the abolishment of serfdom, the abolishment of the privilege of nobility and to make all persons equal before the courts, abolish tax exemption for nobility and inheritance, ensure commoners the right to serve in public office and ensure freedom of the press.

The Wikipedia article is interesting.  Not sure how much impact this uprising had, but would need to explore that further. 

Jozef is possibly not a  relation, but it's interesting that it's a possibility G-G-Grandmother Terezia Dojcsan may have come from a town of the name Hurbanovo.  Here are the distances between Hurbanovo and Gbely - see below.


If she did live in Hurbanovo and moved to Gbely, wonder why they moved?  Also wonder when they moved.  What is in Gbely that is not in Hurbanovo? 

Below is what is on Family Search for Terezia Dojscan's birth records.  Could not find any others who come close, but maybe there are more records in Slovakia which are not recorded online.

Here is the record in Slovak:

I'm thinking the names in the fifth column are the godparents?

Tried to get marriage or death records of Terezia Dojcsan Hurbanek on Ancestry and Family Search, but no luck.  Will have to explore online how to get records in Slovakia.

Other random thoughts:

  • Our Hurbanek American migration began with Terezia and Vincentius Hurbanek's son, John (Jan) Hurbanek and his family including my grandfather, Louis Hurbanek, Sr. in 1901 who was their only child (out of 6) born in Gbely, Slovakia.

  • Louis Hurbanek, Sr. is also the oldest child from a large family like Gram Rose Schury Hurbanek.


1.  Find out if there is a place to write to online or snail mail on how to get Slovak marriage and death records

2.  Look up more info on the Hurban name.  G-G-G-G-Grandfather Michael had a last name of Hurban.  What does the "ek" mean and when was it added?  Well, while I'm at it, what does Hurban mean? 

3.  Maybe I should start from the back and work to the front.
  • Michael Hurban, DOB:  unknown
  • Martinus Hurbanek, DOB;  11/12/1797, Slovakia
  • Vincentius Hurbanek, DOB:  1844, Gbely, Slovakia
  • John (Jan) Hurbanek, DOB:  5/14/1875, Egbell, Hungary (aka Gbely, Slovakia)
  • Louis Hurbanek, Sr., DOB:  9/11/1900, Egbell, Austria (aka Gbely, Slovakia)
4.  Need to cite sources!  While working on another tree for a friend, I went down the wrong branch and didn't realize this until the wee hours of the morning after thinking her family had a huge part in the history of Virginia.  Still, the work wasn't completely wasted as they are some of her cousins and I learned some history, but the findings were not her actual G-G-Grandparents.  Need to have something to back up dates and findings!

5.  Is Hurban a common name in Slovakia?  Like Smith? 

As I end this, I ponder if we are cousins/relations to Slovakia uprising leader  Jozef Miloslav Hurban who was born in 1817 in a town by the name of in Beckov (82.8 km from Gbely, Slovakia,(about 1 hour 20 min minute drive).  Well - probably unlikely.  Also, if Terezia Dojcsan is from Hurbanovo, the town named after Jozef Miloslav Hurban.  More research needed.

In any case, I learned a little bit of Slovak history over a cup of excellent blueberry coffee on this rainy Sunday morning.

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