Saturday, February 13, 2016

My mother, my beginning

Marilyn Antoinette Hurbanek Albitz

My awesome mother - - where did she get her middle name?  From my great-grandmother
Antionette Jadernik. born July 7, 1874  in Cechtice, Central Bohemia, Czech Republic.

This is the story of the Hurbanek-Schury-Jadernik-Fialla, et al, families. 

My mother wrote a 20+ page story about her family, which I will transcribe here and add family pictures, documents and recipes.  Not sure how I'm going to organize everything yet, but would just like to get started so I will begin with an excerpt from mom's story:

"Daddy was tall, 6 foot, handsome, with dark brown, almost black hair, brown eyes and ruddy complexion.  He had a rough sounding demeanor.  He loved his family and we loved him.  He built us a train platform every Christmas that took almost half of our living room. He allowed me to tap dance on it before he put everything on it.  I was allowed to tap dance on the hearth of the living room mantel too.  I was always singing and dancing and he loved to hear and watch me."


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